Hi! I’m Hemashushu.
In this website I will share some interesting computer technologies, programming skills and learning notes, and also post some of my software and hardware. Follow me on Twitter @hemashushu or Github Hema Shushu for updates. Please consider donating to me if you find my articles or work helpful. 😋
Note: Most of my software and hardware are open source and free, please do not download the modified or re-packaged versions of my work from other web sites, and please do not pay for those. My website address is https://hemashushu.github.io (and the mirror https://hemashushuzsd.gitee.io).

Or donate via Paypal paypal.me/hippospark
Feel free to share my software, hardware, articles, and videos, just cite the source.
Q & A
What do the names XiaoXuan and XiaoYu mean?
They don’t have any special meaning, they just sound similar to my children’s nicknames.
Why are there so many “childlike” illustrations on this website?
I originally wanted to create a simple programming language for my kids. They loved watching me draw simple illustrations, so I added these illustrations to the documentation (web pages) in the hope of attracting their interest.
Why do some projects only have documentation but no released code or binary packages?
Developing a programming language is a huge undertaking, so many projects are still in heavy development. Most of them are currently just a collection of scattered code, and while they can implement basic functions, they are not ready for release, I will release them when they are ready.
For now, only XiaoXuan Core is complete, you can download it and try it out. I will then release XiaoXuan Native, XiaoXuan Script, XiaoXuan Managed and other projects.
Why use the MPL open source license and additional terms instead of other permissive licenses?
Because I am a nobody, I don’t want someone or a company to take my work and turn it into their “product”. You know, not eveyone respects other people’s effort.
Are all these projects your personal work?
Yes. And most of my work doesn’t have “clients”, which means that on one pays me and there is no project funding. I would greatly appreciate it if you could sponsor me!
What is your motivation?
I am passionate about building new computer and robotic systems from the ground up. I enjoy all aspects of the process, from designing the mechanics and hardware to developing the instruction set, programming language, operating system, artificial intelligence engine, and applications. I also enjoy sharing my work and hoping to help others.