XiaoXuan Logic

XiaoXuan Logic is a brand new and modern hardware description language (HDL) that lets you design hardware and chips in the same ease and collaboration as open-source software. Its built-in GPU-accelerated simulator dramatically enhances test efficiency, saving you valuable time and resources.
XiaoXuan Logic can compile to SystemVerilog TODO
Visualize interacable simulation
Unit test

XiaoXuan Logic Compilation
Comparing with SystemVerilog
Quick start
Manuals and tutorials
S90 - Building Your Own Linux-Capable CPU: A Step-by-Step Guide
Design a RISC-V CPU core using XiaoXuan Logic2024-01-15- Digital circuit fundamentals: combinational and sequential circuits
- Building a Blinky circuit, and interacting with the visual simulator
- Synthesizing and downloading to FPGA hardware (Optional)
- Introduction to RISC-V Instruction Architecture
- Instruction decoder
- Register File and Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
- Jump and branch instructions
- Memory and load/store instructions
- RISC-V calling convention ABI and implementing the functon calling
- Memory mapping and implementing the UART peripheral
- ROM and Building a simple program (firmware)
- Synthesizing and downloading to FPGA hardware (Optional)
- Interacting via USB-UART and terminal on computer