Hemashushu’s Homepage

Curiosity, exploration and creation

XiaoXuan Native

XiaoXuan Native is a memory-safe, general-purpose programming language inspired by Rust. It is designed to be simpler than Rust while it still provides automatic memory management without garbage collection, and avoids complex concepts such as ownership, borrow checking, and lifetimes. It aims to replace Rust in certain non-critical scenarios. It currently supports compiling to native code for architectures x86-64, aarch64 (ARM64), riscv64 and s390x (IBM Z), and will supports loongarch64 in the future.

Currently, XiaoXuan Native is written in Rust, but it will be self-hosted in the future 😄



  • XiaoXuan Assembly LoongArch Assembler for LoongArch (la64).
  • XiaoXuan Assembly RISC-V Assembler for RISC-V (rv64gc).
  • XiaoXuan Assembly ARM Assembler for ARM (aarch64).